The Idelsohn Society Needs Your Help!

November 4th, 2009 | admin | No Comments | Categories: Blog

  • The Idelsohn Society has recently started work on the classic television show, The Jewish Entertainment Hour, a New York City public access show hosted by the legendary Gary Wagner. The Jewish Entertainment Hour showcased many of the artists, musicians and entertainers we love and admire. However, we need help tracking down some of the artists that appeared on show. If you have any information on the whereabouts of these people, email us at!

    The Yentatainers- Thelma Glass and Frances
    Cantor Joseph Malovany
    Ricky Penn
    Aliza Kashi
    Jossel Goldstein
    Amy Goldstein
    Dov Keren
    David Stepanovsky
    Aleph Duo- Avi Albrecht and Zfira Avsholom
    Marian Marzynski
    Fay Nicoll

    Also, if you were a fan of the show and have any fond memories to share, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you.

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